Purpose-Driven Spending: Why Random Acts of Kindness Feel Amazing
Don’t you ever wish a random person would give you $1 million in cash? Admit it, we all enjoy videos like those of ThatWasEpic or Mr. Beast where they give away expensive gifts and briefcases of cash to strangers as acts of kindness. Everybody loves it so much, that...
4 Up-and-Coming Restaurants in Quezon City
It’s no secret that many Filipinos love to try out new restaurants. After all, food isn’t just a meal—it’s a part of the culture and traditions. One of the most common phrases you hear when you enter a Filipino home is, “Have you eaten yet?” When we share food...
3 Different Ways to Split Tips in your Restaurant
When dining out, we sometimes catch ourselves feeling confused when it’s time to pay for the bill. No, we’re not talking about paying for the price of the meal itself, instead it’s knowing what happens with the service charge and understanding how additional tips are split.